Wednesday, December 19, 2007


We were hiking in the mountains, following a road when we stop at some little country town.. there is a blizzard coming and we know we won't make it down the mountain before the snow gets here. so we go check into a room but the only room they have left has just a living room with a sofa, a long hallway and two bathrooms. no beds or anything. It is getting colder by the minute so I am getting concerned about the dogs. We bring them in and put them in one of the bathrooms. They are covered in snow.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The horse

I am waiting for someone who is not here yet. I finally go to look for her and I am riding through the forest. I finally find her. Something had happened and both she and her horse are injuried. they can move but we can't make it back tonight. We have to find shelter because it is getting colder and colder. We walk to a house and head into the backyard. I decided it would be safe here and warmer up against the house. We know the lady who owns the house but did not want to disturb her. She could be arrested if she helped us. She saw us and told us to come inside but we declined. She told us she was not asking and we all filed inside. We took the horses to the second floor and we continued up to the third floor. We slept in warmth.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Grandpa wasn’t feeling well so we went to go check on him. He started ordering everyone around the track like we were going to be in track events. I tried to talk to him but everyone else did as they were told, Adriana was running stadium in her skirt and high heels. Grandpa was up top. When I got up there he had change the routine so you ran up and then ran down on your hands doing a handstand.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Dane

I was at work and it was time to run and errand. I went outside and climbed up on my horse and rode to the county. My Great Dane who was black and white rode along side of me. He was huge, almost as tall as my horse.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Elton John

So I am with a girlfriend, who is house sitting for another friend of ours. We are discussing life in general when a lawyer friend of mine shows up. My girlfriend leaves so we are alone. He and I have this whole sexual tension and we keep trying to get together but something always happened and we don’t. We are interrupted by a call on the phone, I answer it and it is Elton John who is a good friend of the friend we are house sitting for. I have previously house sat so ended up becoming friends with Elton too. The lawyer decides to get his pants, but I offer sew up a hole in them. I just finished sewing it up when I get a page. I go outside, jump is this classic hotrod. Put up my little blue siren and take off after some criminal. I am running red lights to catch up with this guy. I live for the chase. I am freaking my lawyer friend who knows we are going to die. Guess he can’t handle it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


We are at a restaurant, the Rainforest Café. There are 14 of us and we are waiting for our table. We finally get called and then the power goes out due to the rainstorm. So people start going outside to dance and soon we follow to dance in the rain with paper lanterns all around.


We were going to Vegas for a week, some kind of school trip. We were in a 15-passenger van. We had all loaded up and were about 20 minutes outside of town when I remembered I forgot my luggage. More then that I forgot to even pack. I debated about telling them we had to go back, we were only a few miles out, but I was to embarrass to say anything. I didn’t know what I was going to do cause I didn’t have any money to buy any clothes

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I am reliving the past. I have done this all before. I am on an island with this huge mansion that is used as a hotel, school, restaurant etc. It is the only building on the island and it is the place where everything is. Around it is this huge garden that runs along the front side for miles. Off the backside it ends a quarter of a mile away at the sea. We are at war. With nowhere to go people take refuge in the sand dunes and in the mansion. I am trying to get people to go to specify places. I knew what was going to happen and I was trying to save lives. Geri was there and she was a teacher. I had he stay in her classroom. When I remembered that a cannonball would be going through that room. I went into the mansion and made her move o a room on the front side away from the attack. In the room was the owner, the lord of everything, he was still in bed. I told Geri to take care of him, which was her excuse to stay on the safe side of the building

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I am in Vegas with Will and his family. We rode this new transportation to Vegas, which is a car on a track. The car has a big bin where our entire luggage is stored. It looks more like we are moving then vacationing. We stop to at look at this store and when I turn around everyone is gone. I can’t find them. So I find a bench and sit to wait. After a while I have to go to the bathroom. So I find a restroom and am sitting on the toilet when I see that the entire floor is covered in dead cockroaches. I realize I left my shoes and my purse on the bench. So I am barefoot. It is so gross that I cannot go. So I leave, I was in the men’s room so I went to the ladies room. I have to squeeze through this tiny opening to get to the stall. The stall is so small I can barely sit. My knees are up around my chin. I am getting claustrophobic and feel myself swelling. I start freaking out that I am gonna get stuck and won’t be able to get out. Again I cannot go, I squeeze back out losing my jacket in getting out of the stall. I head back to our car and am rummaging around the back trying to find a pair of socks. Finally people show up, all happy, and I just want to leave cause I hate vegas

Thursday, March 15, 2007


So I have moved to Washington DC, by some fluke I have been elected to this elite congressional position. I am 1 of 3. We are the final word on any bills, changes etc. So it is the first day, and I show up at this skyscraper that is 110 floors. It is after 8 and I am late so when I get there the elevator is already locked. So I roam around the little park outside the elevator to check everything out.

The next day Will wakes me up early so I can get there. I am at the elevator about to go in when these gold bars come across the elevator and it is too late for me to get in. I get really mad and tell the guard how ridicules this all is. So again the next day I try and this time I get on the elevator. I am suppose to go to floor 94 but that number is not available to select so I choose the closest one which is 110. There are 2 others guys in the elevator with me talking and joking. It is taking a really long time and I realized that the elevator is just going up and down and not stopping on our floors. One of the guys asked if I had put my security key in but I didn’t have one yet. So he puts his in and I finally make it to my floor.

I am at this table with 5 others, the 2 other elite congressmen and 3 assistants. We have in front of us this big paper about a huge trip to the inner of Mexico to a place called Tara Meico. I am trying to find out if this is something we have to go to cause I have to go get a passport. So one of the congressmen say we are not going because we need to spend the money in our country like helping New Orleans.

So we go make a trip to New Orleans, which is all dried up and located in the upper end of the Grand Canyon just before it gets all huge. We can see how bad the flood is because all this sand and mud has filled the canyon up to 50 feet from the top.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Hospital

I am out front at some huge hospital. Someone I know is there so everyone is here. I needed some time away so I was out front. I saw Will, but pretended I didn’t. I went looking for a place to sit and cry. I tried sitting in the grass but there was poop all over so I couldn’t. I saw this bench on the side of the building that had some shade so I head there. When I sat down the bench jumped. I looked over and this woman had sat down on the other end. I looked at the bench and it was on a slope and her end stuck up in the air cause the sidewalk leveled out. So I tried sitting again and the bench got all wobbly. So I told her she could have it. I decided to head back inside. Will’s family saw me, and grabbed my arm. They started calling Will over. I started crying so hard I couldn’t stand.

The Theater

So I am at the Adobe Deli, which is no longer, a bar but a stage theater. There is this whole charitable event and I was drafted last minute to help with the announcements and shows, so I don’t know anything that is going on. I keep getting sent out on stage and I am reading from this monitor. It stops in mid-sentence so I make up something and cut my time on stage by 5 mins. So went I get off everyone is really nice and telling me not to go on my own and just read what was on the screen. I was suppose to go back out on stage after I get in this chicken outfit, but some other girl was in my outfit cause I wasn’t there right away. The show is over and was pretty much a disaster. People start yelling and everyone goes outside. This bull and falling over and damaged a barrel. They run off to fix it and tie up the bull before he falls again. I go back inside and start cleaning up cause I feel bad about how bad the show was. I noticed my bag moving so I opened it up and it was tigra. She must have climbed into the bag when I was getting my stuff. So I close the bag back up so she won’t get lost. Everyone is pretty much and I keep trying to get my stuff together but Tigra keeps getting out of the bag and I have to find her. I find Soot and realize that they both are here. And they both keep getting out of the bag. There is this old woman sitting at a table, and this little boy in the room choking on something. She tells me that there is nothing we can do. I got to the little boy and he has something sticking out of his mouth so I pull it out and it is phlegm, but it has the texture like the rubber glue that sticks your gift cards to paper. We have to get him to the hospital I go into the other room and there is this phlegm all over were he has been coughing it up. I grab the cats again, and tie a shirt around the bag so they can’t get out.