Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I am in Vegas with Will and his family. We rode this new transportation to Vegas, which is a car on a track. The car has a big bin where our entire luggage is stored. It looks more like we are moving then vacationing. We stop to at look at this store and when I turn around everyone is gone. I can’t find them. So I find a bench and sit to wait. After a while I have to go to the bathroom. So I find a restroom and am sitting on the toilet when I see that the entire floor is covered in dead cockroaches. I realize I left my shoes and my purse on the bench. So I am barefoot. It is so gross that I cannot go. So I leave, I was in the men’s room so I went to the ladies room. I have to squeeze through this tiny opening to get to the stall. The stall is so small I can barely sit. My knees are up around my chin. I am getting claustrophobic and feel myself swelling. I start freaking out that I am gonna get stuck and won’t be able to get out. Again I cannot go, I squeeze back out losing my jacket in getting out of the stall. I head back to our car and am rummaging around the back trying to find a pair of socks. Finally people show up, all happy, and I just want to leave cause I hate vegas

Thursday, March 15, 2007


So I have moved to Washington DC, by some fluke I have been elected to this elite congressional position. I am 1 of 3. We are the final word on any bills, changes etc. So it is the first day, and I show up at this skyscraper that is 110 floors. It is after 8 and I am late so when I get there the elevator is already locked. So I roam around the little park outside the elevator to check everything out.

The next day Will wakes me up early so I can get there. I am at the elevator about to go in when these gold bars come across the elevator and it is too late for me to get in. I get really mad and tell the guard how ridicules this all is. So again the next day I try and this time I get on the elevator. I am suppose to go to floor 94 but that number is not available to select so I choose the closest one which is 110. There are 2 others guys in the elevator with me talking and joking. It is taking a really long time and I realized that the elevator is just going up and down and not stopping on our floors. One of the guys asked if I had put my security key in but I didn’t have one yet. So he puts his in and I finally make it to my floor.

I am at this table with 5 others, the 2 other elite congressmen and 3 assistants. We have in front of us this big paper about a huge trip to the inner of Mexico to a place called Tara Meico. I am trying to find out if this is something we have to go to cause I have to go get a passport. So one of the congressmen say we are not going because we need to spend the money in our country like helping New Orleans.

So we go make a trip to New Orleans, which is all dried up and located in the upper end of the Grand Canyon just before it gets all huge. We can see how bad the flood is because all this sand and mud has filled the canyon up to 50 feet from the top.