Monday, April 24, 2006

Lettuce Leaf

I was getting blood. I am not sure why but I was looking at the bag of blood pumping into me and their was this lettuce leaf floating in it, to keep it from clotting. So I go on my way and I am really busy as is everyone around me when my calf starts to hurt. So I open it up and all the muscles in my calf had turned to mush. The leaf had gone through the IV and ended up in my leg. So I ended up on my stomach and Waited until Will could come and take one of those ear cleaning bulbs to suck out the mush. So then I ended up with nothing but the bone showing on the back of my leg.

(A side note: I woke up with my leg hurting this morning. Coincidence? I think not)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Evil Little Snake

So I was at this huge house that had two large tubs right next to each other in the bathroom. I had my fish and turtles in one so I could clean my aquarium. But then someone else started to clean their aquarium but they had snakes and they put them in the other tub. But one snake slithered into my tub and ate one of my turtles. I wanted to kill it so I could get by turtle back.