Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I am in Vegas with Will and his family. We rode this new transportation to Vegas, which is a car on a track. The car has a big bin where our entire luggage is stored. It looks more like we are moving then vacationing. We stop to at look at this store and when I turn around everyone is gone. I can’t find them. So I find a bench and sit to wait. After a while I have to go to the bathroom. So I find a restroom and am sitting on the toilet when I see that the entire floor is covered in dead cockroaches. I realize I left my shoes and my purse on the bench. So I am barefoot. It is so gross that I cannot go. So I leave, I was in the men’s room so I went to the ladies room. I have to squeeze through this tiny opening to get to the stall. The stall is so small I can barely sit. My knees are up around my chin. I am getting claustrophobic and feel myself swelling. I start freaking out that I am gonna get stuck and won’t be able to get out. Again I cannot go, I squeeze back out losing my jacket in getting out of the stall. I head back to our car and am rummaging around the back trying to find a pair of socks. Finally people show up, all happy, and I just want to leave cause I hate vegas