Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Hospital

I am out front at some huge hospital. Someone I know is there so everyone is here. I needed some time away so I was out front. I saw Will, but pretended I didn’t. I went looking for a place to sit and cry. I tried sitting in the grass but there was poop all over so I couldn’t. I saw this bench on the side of the building that had some shade so I head there. When I sat down the bench jumped. I looked over and this woman had sat down on the other end. I looked at the bench and it was on a slope and her end stuck up in the air cause the sidewalk leveled out. So I tried sitting again and the bench got all wobbly. So I told her she could have it. I decided to head back inside. Will’s family saw me, and grabbed my arm. They started calling Will over. I started crying so hard I couldn’t stand.