Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Whale Planes

We are being bombed. Will, Lori and I are in this hotel/warehouse in El Paso. I am out side watching our planes fly overhead or a sneak attack. They are flying planes that have wings and tails that flap. The planes look like whales swimming. They are very quiet. I asked Will what they were and he said they were bomber planes. We know that now is the best chance to leave to Disneyworld. I go inside and get Lori to start packing. Our green truck is in our room and Will is painting it with old wall paint that is slightly orange. They know to look for our green truck. I can not find Lori’s meds. Her medicine daily holders are empty. I tell Lori we need her med’s and to get them all out, because if they for got to get us her meds I was gonna have to call the g-parents so they could bring it to us. Lori pulls pills bottles out of her purse, they are not labeled but she doesn’t know which ones she is suppose to take when. I start freaking out.


Anonymous said...

WOW! I don't think I stay asleep long enough to dream anymore (kids). So I enjoy reading about yours.
