Monday, July 31, 2006


I had a sore on my knee and I kept telling people there is something wrong with it and no one believed me. Finally I took a knife and started cutting the skin around it off. When I did that I found two adult and 5 baby cockroaches. So I would stab them with the knife and flick them out until I got it clean.

I was in this house and everyone around me was Hispanic. Then these raiders came and were killing everyone. I took one man with me and showed him this cave under the stairs where we could hide. Then he fell in love with me and we got married. The raiders came again and I grabbed my daughter and we hid in the cave. I came out to try and get some food and was shot, so I played dead. When the raider left I jumped up and tried to run back to the cave but ran into a raider so I turned and rain the other way but there was another raider. I was trapped.