Monday, September 12, 2011


Irma and I are at a convention in Alamogordo. I end up giving birth to Calum and I already had Aerona with me. I have to go back to Deming because we have another convention go on there too. So I leave early in the morning and it is not until I get to Deming that I realize I left both kids with Irma, and I did not ask her if it was ok. So I keep trying to call her to tell her I am on my way back, and I am trying to tell someone here that I have to go back. Everyone I try to tell is wearing a white dress and I can't get them to talk to be because they are really busy.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cup of Sugar

Adriana and I were out and about in the big city, when we got home we were in trouble because we missed our curfew. As our punishment we were given large glasses full of sugar and told we had to drink/eat it all before we could go to bed. I took took drinks before I told them that I couldn't do this because I would end up in a diabetic coma.