My sister and I were on a trip into Canada, we stopped to stay at this 5 star resort. Our room was huge. My sister decided to take a bath so she started the water running. She then went to the car to get something. So I checked on the bath. The tub had rocks in the bottom. The facet was spitting up rocks along with the water. So I pulled some out and they were the size of my hand. One was painted it had green grass, a blue sky, and a flagpole with an American flag. When I started pulling out other rocks they were painted like the first.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Sorry about the word security but I have been getting alot of spam in my comments lately. So I am trying to resolve the issue.
Posted by Awioa at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Space Pirates
So I am in a ladies group kind of like some hot model preppie cheerleader sorority group, sexy and smart. And I am fighting pirates that have kidnapped some of the girls and are trying to auction them off to the highest bidder. I am walking around with this stain glass tool, which is used to smooth out the foil, and I am using it to slit the throats of the pirates I see. And then I get to the pirate king, and I am being crafty so I am all dressed up like I am going to a ball. So I am flirting and getting closer until I am almost in his lap and waiting for the perfect moment.
Posted by Awioa at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Wild Things
I am at this huge school that has townhouse on it for dorm rooms and professor’s offices. So weird things are happening I went to the library to do research on the class I was taking but something was wrong and I had to rescuer 3 cats from the library. So I am back in my dorm room, which is in the townhouse next to my professor office. Anyways someone had stuck a butcher knife in the banister and then later we found snakes in the tub. So I am getting suspicious of my teacher and I go to search his office and while I am their another student shows up and see me in his office with two beers so he thinks I am sleeping with him. So I skip out pretty quick and go back to the library to get some books and I run into my prof. (who happens to be Pierce Brosen)
Then the dream ends like it was the movie Wild Things, because now I see Piece moving into the townhouse and setting up his wall of knives and his aquariums of snakes and how he follows our dorm head mistress up the steps and helps her carry in the groceries so he can take her house key and press it into some wax he has in his pocket. I woke up not knowing if he was the bad guy or I was.
Posted by Awioa at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The Duck
So we all left to some fancy resort that has little shops in it and lots of banquet halls and such. Well my boyfriend see this man who he really want to meet so he ask me to pretend to be this famous psychologist, but first we have to lure the man out of the restaurant so we get this duck and I leave a bread crumb trail from the duck into the restaurant. Sure enough the duck follow the crumb into the restaurant and the man bring the duck back out. Immediately my boyfriend starts to tell this story to me about this email he get and I analysis it for him. Well the plan worked because the man immediately starts talking to my boyfriend.
Posted by Awioa at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Wedding Blues
It is my wedding day, and I am getting ready in this bathroom, I put my dress on and then my sister comes and wraps green garland around me, then she leaves. And I am waiting for people to come do my hair and just help me get ready but no one comes so I go looking for them and I am having my wedding in a mall. And I find my sister four stores over and she takes me back to the bathroom because the groom isn’t suppose to see me. But he does and doesn’t listen when I tell him not to look. So now I am angry because he wouldn’t have seen me if the people suppose to help where they were with me. So just before I get to the bathroom I ask about the veil, which my mother forgot at the house so she sends someone to go get it. Then she comes in and puts it on me and tells me I cannot wear it since it is yellow and it clashes with the garland, so I tell her I can take the garland off but she leaves. My hair is a mess and now I do not have anything to put in it. I keep telling myself it doesn’t matter it only matters that I am getting married but I end up sitting on the couch with my arms wrapped around my legs, my head on my knees, crying, and still no one cares.
Posted by Awioa at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
I was trying to get the cop to drink some water but he wouldn’t he said the water was contaminated. So I gave him some bottled water but he wouldn’t drink that either because it thought it was tampered with.
Posted by Awioa at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Light Bulb
I don’t remember much about what was going on in this dream except that I was seeing the entire dream through the shape of a light bulb.
Posted by Awioa at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Everything was flooded up to my waist, but I just kept doing what I normally would like there was no water there.
Posted by Awioa at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 03, 2005
So I was on a bus with a group of kids trying to get to a house and there was a hurricane coming that was very close. The bus broke down and so we had to walk and we were 5 miles away. We decided to cut through a school because the house’s backyard was next to the school and this way we would not have to go up and down the hill. So we cut through the school and when I tried to get into the backyard the dogs wouldn’t let us and they kept trying to bite us through the fence.
Posted by Awioa at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 19, 2005
Freaky Dreams
I found this sight that I will be adding to my web page I think it is a little interesting but you type in your dream and tells you all about it.
Posted by Awioa at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Being funny
I am in love with a detective. He is married. I am a private eye. Someone is killing all these people who I know. So we are trying to find out clues and are kind of working together. But I keep trying to talk to him about us and he keeps blowing me off. I think we had a bad ending. But the crimes began to look like crimes that happened on a previous case a long time ago. So we fly to Australia to look in the tribes. His wife is there she is a missionary. So I give up on him even thou I do not want to. He then tells me he is divorced and was just being a jerk to be funny.
This dream seemed a lot like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow movie. Which I watch recently.
Posted by Awioa at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 13, 2005
I am at the grocery store and it looks like some make shift military hospital. My parents are there and they tall me to go get this baby and take it home because it needs someone to care for it. So I find a nurse and ask for the baby she asks me which one and I told her I don’t know. She asked for the mothers name and I told her I didn’t know and that I was told to take the kid. So she take me over to this corner and there is a woman who weighs so much she cannot get out of bed and next to her is her boyfriend. He is the classic stereotype redneck trailer trash; wearing his wife beater, oily baseball cap, and drinking a beer. The nurse says I am here for there baby and hand the baby to me. The woman decides she wants her baby and is trying to get out of bed to prove she can care it and he just sits there drinking his beer.
Posted by Awioa at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
The Toilet
There is urine on the toilet. The toilet lid is up, and I have no idea who used my restroom. That was the extent of my dream. Searching the bathroom for the culprit.
Posted by Awioa at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
We were going camping, my friend, a little girl about 2 years old, and I. We keep trying to get to the mountain in this old beat up truck but there is a chain link fence blocking the way every we try to get into the forest.
Posted by Awioa at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Cutting Lines
So seven of us are in line to eat at this restaurant. It is a long line since we are standing outside the door, several hundred feet back. Well a party of six in front of me leaves. They tried to see if they could get in the back door rather then wait. Apparently they couldn’t so they came back and tried to get back into the spot they were in. One girl slid her leg in between me and the couple in front of us and tried to push me back. Well there wasn’t anyway we could move back and then we didn’t want to either they had been gone for 15 min. So we get into a yelling fight and when the hostess ask how many we both spit out our party size. So she sat us both. Then I hear them telling the owner who happened to be one of their mothers that we kicked them out and tried to cut in the line. The rest of the dream we were on an island doing the whole fighting for power gang war thing. At one point I yelled at them and told them that had they even asked or said please I prolly would of let them in.
Posted by Awioa at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 22, 2005
I went to sack ice and someone else had sacked ice but only put one scoop in each bag and the rest of the bag was filled with air. Then they had put shelves in the ice machine and filled some with burritos so only about 25 bags would fit in the ice machine.
Posted by Awioa at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Broken House
So I am outside with everyone having a Bar BQ at my house. The wind starts to pick up nothing tornado like but enough that the tablecloths and napkins start flying. I look to my house and see the wall to my bedroom flapping away from the roof until it falls into the house. So I run inside and push the wall back up and put three nails into it to keep it there.
This dream’s meaning is pretty clear… see post random bits on my Black Pegs blog
Posted by Awioa at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
So we were traveling down this road in a car. The road was some old beat up dirt road that even a SUV would have a tough time taking. The road run up and down hills and around bends and through riverbeds. Sure enough we found ourselves walking and all of my family is there. At some point everyone has moved way ahead of me except my mom. We start finding some silver silverware on this dirt road so we start picking it up, then I am in some cabin and picking up the silver still. When my sister comes back and starts to yell that I am stealing and I can’t just take the silverware. I told her that I was only taking what was on the counter, she continued to yell until I put it all back.
Posted by Awioa at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Portable Shopping Center
This morning I woke up to a dream that I was working some store. The store moves from town to town. This store is big like Walmart but we carried a lot of Hobby Lobby type items, (which I was stocking) we also have people stocking/setting up all this concert equipment, which was for sale. And someone else was setting up all these As400’s and I wanted to set them up because they just threw all the wire about and it was always a mess to untangle. So I spent most the time being in the concert crews way and trying to get to the As400s.
Posted by Awioa at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 04, 2005
Crossing the border
Today I woke up to a dream that I was trying to cross the border from one country to another. I had been traveling from one place to another because I had crossed several borders, but this time I had to get out and while I was waiting for customs to approve everything I was afraid that someone would find me before I could cross and of course since I wanted to cross as soon as possiable it was going so slow. I don't know who was after me and I woke up before I could either be caught or cross the border
Posted by Awioa at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 01, 2005
About this blog
I decided to start a new blog. One that will mostly be for my dreams, a dream journal if you will, but it will also include some poetry, short stories and artwork other then my stain glass. That is when I get around to having the time to work on that stuff.
My dreams are always in color and almost always a detailed full blow story line. I have had a few dreams in my life that were so vivid that I can remember them today. Which at some point I will relate to you. This blog will contain the other stuff since it usually just comes to me. Without me really thinking about them. In fact when I try to focus on them it tend to be a bust.
I might also analyze my dreams but that will depend on how my time frame is going. I have always enjoyed psychology and I miss it since it is not an aspect of my work anymore.
What is consciousness? Williams James (1842-1910) defined it as the “function of knowing.” I personally like this definition better then others since we are only aware of what our current thought is and not the function of our body or items around us unless we focus on it.
But then there are also different levels of consciousness such as drug induced, hypnosis, meditation, biofeedback (previous experience affecting current behavior), Parapsychology (ESP, etc.) Sensory deprivation, and sleep & dreams. I may touch on these from time to time but mostly will be focusing on dreams.
But anyway here is my dreams so laugh, cry, think I am weird it is all good.
Posted by Awioa at 10:32 AM 0 comments